Offshore Wind

Akita-Noshiro Offshore Wind Farm | TP
Akita-Noshiro Offshore Wind Farm | TP

With the Akita-Noshiro project we are taking our first steps in the Japanese offshore wind market. It is the first large scale offshore foundation project in Japan with 20 foundations for the Noshiro Port and 13 foundations for the Akita Port. For this project Smulders was responsible for the fabrication of the secondary steel and the welding, painting and installation of these parts on the TP. We also fine-tuned the design of the secondary steel in close collaboration with the customer Kajima and Wood Thilsted. 

For this project, all Smulders' locations on the mainland were used. For example, Spomasz manufactured the secondary steel in Poland, Iemants took care of the painting of specific and more complex parts and Willems took care of the fabrication and outfitting of the TP cover and additional ladders. The assembly of the TPs was done in Hoboken.